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Author Tips: Stan Hayward

This week we’re excited to offer a set of ten tips on publishing success from none other than Stan Hayward, who has had over thirty books published ranging from children’s stories to computer systems, as well as numerous projects to his name.

…And if you’re confused by the picture , it’s because Stan Hayward is also the creator of Henry’s Cat!

  1. Keep a note book with you at all times and list ideas as they come
  2. Have a book template in mind. This is a book that has been published and you would like yours to be similar
  3. Jot down chapter headings with notes
  4. Collect articles, photos, comments that seem relevant to your book
  5. Check out what other books cover similar ideas. Don’t be put off if there are many as any good idea is constantly being written about
  6. Don’t talk about your book. The more you talk the less you write
  7. Don’t show what you have written to friends for comments. They will react favourably, you need critical comments.
  8. Set yourself a schedule to write so much a day/week/month
  9. Be very clear on whether you are writing for pleasure or writing to sell. If writing for pleasure then do it as you feel inspired. If writing to sell then consider it as a job. Join the Writers’ Guild (or some writers association where you can get advice). Thoroughly research your market. Decide if you intend to self-publish or use and agent/publisher.
  10. Write all the time on something. Write comments for online newspapers, write letters/cards, keep a diary, get a Writers’ & Artists’ year book.

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