Manchester University Press is an international concern, publishing work by authors from all around the world and selling books to a global audience.
Here, they offer their top 5 tips for getting published…..
1. A thesis is not a book: if revising yours for publication then approach, frame and describe it as a new project.
2. It’s normal to spend at least a year on revisions to turn a thesis into a book.
3. Before starting a thesis-based book proposal, ask yourself whether it really ought to be one or more journal articles instead.
4. Research publishers, their subject areas and their series properly to make sure you’re choosing the right press for your book.
5. Be prepared to be flexible: peer reviewers often recommend changes, and publishers tend to look less favourably on long or heavily-illustrated books which cost more to make.
Self-Publisher said on May 16, 2011
To study the information-rich sector, dissemination of options and potential consequences of your choices, your responsibilities as a published author and the publishing process, promotion of books,
thansk, hubby’s a chef. maybe this will motivate.