Other ways of getting your book published involve learning how to market yourself – as I’ve mentioned before. Soon, PhD2Published will be offering advice on how to use social media to publicise your work. In the mean time, you’ll find my first post on this subject on Red Lemon Club, a fabulous website providing self-promotional advice for creatives, run by illustrator and designer Alex Mathers. My post is on 5 Ways to Generate Outstanding Ideas for Blog Posts and is a bit of a beginners guide.
I met Alex through Twitter some months back and he’s been an invaluable source of ideas and inspiration for me when teaching classes on social media marketing and setting up PhD2Published. In fact, I can’t recommend Red Lemon Club highly enough, especially if you’re new at marketing yourself through social media because its simple and effective.
On top of that, Alex has written a great ebook: 10 Steps to Powerful Online Self Promotion for Creatives. Like I say, if you’re fairly new at all this, his book is really useful. In it, he sets out a great model for drawing attention to what your doing and then takes you through how to get set up easily and securely on the likes of Twitter and Facebook and what techniques will get you noticed – for the right reasons. And within all of this, a key staple for announcing what you’re up to comes in the form of writing a blog – hence my post. It starts like this:
“If you’re just setting out, the thought of writing a regular blog can be daunting. Even the most prolific of minds run dry from time to time. But the key thing about blogging is that you don’t have to think as big as you think – you see?! No?!
OK, I’ll explain.
Successful blogging is all in the planning and not so much the writing (but don’t tell anyone I said that!). And the best thing to do is build up a reserve of content. But you have to start somewhere, right? So this post looks at five really easy ways of getting blog content together – fast!”
There’ll be more posts on social media marketing for academic authors coming up, but in the mean time, if you’d like to guest write for PhD2Published, we’d love to hear from you. If you’ve never blogged before, this would be a great way to start and as an added bonus, we’ll send you our complimentary guide to writing guest blog posts – which will even help you with ideas to get your started! Just drop us a line!
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