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Introducing new managing editor

Flickr_-_paul_bica_-_celestial_lightGreetings PhD2Published community! I am excited to join the site as managing editor here at the beginning of Academic Writing Month. Charlotte Frost and the team have fantastic plans for the month of November, when all of us will see what epic results we can gain by making a commitment to our writing. You’ll also have a whole community of support and enthusiasm to help you meet your goals.

Admittedly, I’ve set a tiny daily goal for AcWriMo, based on my struggle to meet my more ambitious word counts last year. A post on my experience—and why I’m looking forward to trying again—will be forthcoming.

A bit about me: I’m a communication and media studies scholar and earned my doctorate at the University of South Florida. My dissertation was a critical study of Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles, and how this unique commemorative space is used for cultural events, performances, and celebrations. That project took my research interests in various directions, but all of my work focuses on the intersection of media and cultural memory.

After finishing my doctorate, I published journal articles and book chapters building on those existing interests, but managed to always put other commitments between myself and the book project I still have in mind. As other projects were completed and time passed, the idea of the book became even more elusive and mysterious. I came to PhD2Published in my quest to better understand the path to publishing a book.

I became an avid reader of PhD2Published as part of my summer reading and work on learning more about academic publishing, the writing process, writing groups, procrastination, and organization. I built my Twitter community, participated in Twitter chats, and even enrolled in a few MOOCs where I ended up having great collaborative experiences with people in various places in the world. As managing editor, I plan to bring some of this collective (and collected) wisdom to PhD2Published to help demystify the publication process. We might also find new collaborators, colleagues, editors, and companions along the way.

I have a friend and mentor who is brilliant about bringing people together. As such, she is not only able to set ideas and projects into motion, she is also surrounded by creative, thoughtful, productive people. She inspires me, along with Charlotte, Anna, and Sarah-Louise, and I am already in extraordinarily good company.

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