It’s been a busy Academic Writing Month here at! So many people set their intentions, set goals, got writing done, submitted work for publication…
Whether you set goals. met goals, or decided not to even consider #AcWriMo, the important takeaway is a vibrant, supportive community of scholars who are encouraging one another year round.
So we’d like to ask you, our community of academic writers, what we can do to keep that community going strong beyond November. Would you want a series of Twitter chats? A virtual Shut Up & Write session? Workshops? Tips? Please post your ideas here!
Looking forward to a productive December.
Christiane said on December 1, 2014
For various reasons I could not follow through with AcWriMo and would love a virtual shut up & write session or anything that keeps accountability up during the upcoming months! Thanks for all that you post and the ever so strong encouragement to keep going!
Maaike said on December 1, 2014
I would love a virtual shutup&write! I feel that there are not many people nearby that can do an actual shutup&write session and I really liked this month of goals and writing. Due to some unsuspectedly issues I could not contribute as much as I wanted, but the planning and reading the struggles&victories of others helped a lot in achieving some of my own goals. I was planning to continue december for myself in the same way, but I would love to have contact with others! A twitter-chat could work for me as well. Both are depending on the hours by the way, because a session during the day in Australia will be a nightsession for me…