The PhDometer (pronounced F’dometer) is a pedometer for PhD students and beyond.
It tracks your writing journey in a way that suits you: time spent writing, words written (ALL words – edit away my intellectual friends!), or time AND words.
It’ll spur you on by marking your writing triumphs, and when you finish a session, it lets you show what you’ve achieved by linking to your Twitter account (you can even include a hashtag like #acwrimo or #acwri to share your success with your global academic writing buddies).
Sometimes academic writing feels like one step forwards and three steps back, the PhDometer shows you that it’s ALL progress!
Here at PhD2Published we’re passionate about being free and open with advice about all things academic. Initially we gave away the PhDometer for free to all participants in AcWriMo 2012. We’re now hoping that if you buy this app (for just £2.99) we can recoup a few of our costs and continue our work on your behalf.
( Requires Mac OS X 10.7.4 ( Lion ) and later or Windows XP and later )